Privacy Policy

By using this site, you agree to the terms of our policy. This Privacy Policy covers any personal information that Bannerman Cartridge Company obtains from you when you use services on our site. This policy does not cover the practices of companies that Bannerman does not own or control, or the actions of people that Bannerman does not employ or manage. Our Privacy Policy may change in the future. We invite you to check back periodically to see if we have made any changes. If we make any material changes, we will post a notice.

We use industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (“SSL”) authentication to guarantee the confidentiality of online transactions made on our site. SSL authentication and encryption of the information that you send to us over the Internet help protect your online transaction information from third party interception.

Unfortunately, despite our efforts, there is always a risk that third parties may unlawfully intercept transmissions. This reality is true of all Internet use. As a result, we cannot ensure the security of any information you transmit, and you transmit all information at your own risk.